Our Team

How would we describe ourselves, The Team?

Well skooled…

GenXwest: independent, resourceful, and self-sufficient. We value freedom and responsibility in the workplace. Our team displays a casual disdain for arrogant/positional authority and structured work hours. Our Team is a high trust source, meaning, we are more than competent. We easily identify people by their character and sift through the chaff looking for the wheat. Say what? Eezzy Peezzy…your actions/behavior will express a predictable outcome. So we are observant and collaborate on the Google term – YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) stuff in life and livelihood. Some things are really that important.

We dislike being micro-managed and embrace a hands-off management philosophy. We have spent tens of thousands of dollars on tuition, YEARS studying and working for free to apprentice and learn, we have lost our own money in the recession(s), raised kids and now support our parents…yes we do believe we are fully capable of critical thinking, time management and commitment to process. Provided communication is thorough and accountability placed as agreed to.


We’re prepared to work independently and like our autonomy but we know the work is lighter with more heads and hands. Barn-building is still what we remember. We encourage flexibility as an important value so working together shouldn’t be a problem with us!

We are encouraged to challenge the status quo. We know what the underlying basis of human nature is, and it is rarely because of a technology issue. It is often a human issue reliant on technology. We are successful working on innovative projects, particularly those that are tech-based with high security and/or non-disclosure. We help you solve the problem in front of us.