Proven Process

Our backgrounds also include high security, intelligence gathering and world-class operational excellence.

All projects are prepared in a systematic, coordinated manner to ensure a functional, dependable and attractive site.  We have defined a clear six-step process. This proven process helps our Web team to build your site quickly in the most efficient and economical manner possible.

Discovery: identify your idea, needs, goals or business challenges.

Approach. construct a plan that meets your specific requirements and budget.

Design: create a unique look and feel for your site, targeting your specific market.

Build: develop the complete and fully functional site that best serves that market unique to you.

Pursue Excellence: enhance the site’s design and functionality based on user input and technology enhancements.

Maintain: upgrade functionality to your site as it grows through economical maintenance contracts. Seek high ROI.

The process is documented along the way with records of revisions rigorously maintained.