Web Strategy

Successful online development begins with a clear strategy and detailed specification. Before starting your project, GenXwest can ensure that you have an outline for measurable success.

We have expertise in identifying essential success factors, project modules, and required resources to project the cost and ROI.

GenXwest provides creative SEO solutions to digital problems that ensures your site’s development will follow a clear and precise path.

GenXwest founders have been designing and implementing successful strategies for businesses since 1988. Having a clear picture before implementation saves costs and reduces your stress. Have us help you with your project plan, before you venture into your web project.

The web strategy is created by highly skilled business professionals, web strategists, who are knowledgeable about online trends, business, design, user experience and technology concepts and principles.

Once the web strategy is in place, you can launch the website immediately onto the Internet through social media. Regularly engage directly and actively sharing information across various social media platforms.

Social media enables two-way communication and collaboration. Organizations utilize it for building a competitive advantage, generating business and engaging with their customers on a more personal level.

 Brand awareness social media posts are like virtual flyers or the online equivalent of newspaper ads. They build name recognition and help your small business start to form a brand identity.

A way for businesses to broaden your exposure to the public at a much lower cost than traditional marketing is through targeted Pay-per-click advertisements according to specific criteria, to reach the correct audience.

Establishing a presence on widely used platforms can help target new customers and make the brand more visible with higher conversion rates. Social media is a place where brands can act like people do, and this is important because people like doing business with other people; not with companies.

Here at GenXwest we can lay out a strategy that will land you on a dime on planet Mars.