
ALL data shows mobile is the primary method for consuming the Internet.

Having a mobile strategy, is fundamental to having a web strategy.  Google, takes a “mobile first” approach to their products, services and content pages.  If the largest Search Engine is leading it, we follow.

GenXwest offers an array of mobile solutions including responsive design that keeps up with trends and legalities such as:


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and ensures “equal enjoyment” of goods and services available at public accommodations – including websites. This means legally, your website must be accessible to everyone.

Wait for 2020 to upgrade to an accessible website? Too late, the standard … the trend already went by.

Is Your Website Accessible? Here are the trends:

Minimalism – Microsoft reports the average person has an attention span of 8 seconds, 1 second less than a goldfish.

Dynamic Content – content changes depending on user interactions.

Security – SSL What’s the Difference Between HTTP & HTTPS?

Mobile strategy requires critical planning as we deal with small spaces and short attention spans.

GenXwest can help with your mobile strategy!