Freelance WP

Now What?

That’s where we come in. Trends and objective practical solutions to fit your budget. You will probably build on the WordPress platform. How’s your HTML, CSS and JS? Sure, AI will make it all work…somehow humans are still driving the economy though.

And humans demand service, authentic quality, attentiveness, compelling communication, ethical honest information, insightful knowledge with purpose that is refined and refreshed to fit your quality reputation.

Yes, we can do this with you. Or for you entirely. You have a business operation to tend to and a life outside of that. Sitting for 8 months to “get that site thing done” is often the start of the death rattle of a business.

Here at GenXwest we have seen a LOT of things happen in business, that’s why a custom solution may be just what you need. Your private chef so to speak.

We either set the trend or follow it. No more sitting back watching it…Move with current trending, or, specialize with a unique niche. When the Gutenberg printing press showed up in 1445 , you can bet print marketing kicked in big time!

Imagine having traveled for businesses all over the world. Imagine being exposed to thousands of current leading – edge companies and leaders of companies such as Ernst & Young, 3M, Royal Bank, you get the idea. Imagine now a team like this where service delivery includes:

  • Custom 3D graphics
  • Dark themes
  • Isometric in Web
  • Bright Colors and Gradients
  • Bright Colors and Gradients
  • Minimalism
  • Animated 3D
  • Full-Screen Background Images
  • Creative Loaders
  • Creative and Bold Typography
  • Liquid Graphics
  • Colorful Illustrations

We can help if you have no time and no idea where and how to start. Or, we can ride alongside you and be your go-to people as you build.

…open your mind

Challenge your company to follow it’s 90 day digital plan that has already been laid out. Let’s evaluate together and through consulting and practical application of digital tools with your business savvy, make more profit in less time creating happier customers who provide referrals.