Content Creation

Content generation is the SEO clincher.

The first developer topic, it arrives at the end of the process because of its discussion complexity and revamped search engine optimization – SEO , through advanced deep learning and AI.

It is no longer as simple as loading up some text and leaving it there. AI is crawling 24/7 and ranking everything it crawls.

Google search seeks to learn what is a good UX experience and your information architecture has become more comprehensive than filling in analytics and sprinkled keywords to get any real attention.

The good news is that you can get instant results!

GenXwest can make exclusive changes through the content management system and your proofed changes are made instantly. All in line with your marketing?

How are your robots doing for your search ranking? It’s a valid question!

Collaborate. Send GenXwest your content and images and we will format and present a layout to you for proofing. We can also stage the changes so you can see your site before the changes are go live.

The bottom line is that we have the knowledge to help you.