Our team has worked with celebrities, politicians and business leaders. Behind the scene operationally is where we excel. You company is the star of the show. Let us help you shine!
Some events we have experience with:
- Federal Ministerial Events: Global Affairs, Korean Peninsula Crisis
- Seawheeze Half Marathon
- Buildex
- Mineral Exploration Roundup
- Vancouver Auto Show
- Terradata
- Cargo Logistics
- Global Symposium on Health Systems
- BC TECH Summit
- IROC Compliance Conf
- IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science
- The Power Of Success – Tony Robbins
- Hootsuite Kickoff
- Microsoft Dynamics
- AWS Amazon Web Services
- U2 Tour Launch
- Palo Alto Ignite
A client funnel is currently being filled. We are excited to work with our new customers as you arrive!